Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Published January 10, 2018 by with 0 comment

Insurance Company Advices Not To Hire Lawyer – What To Do?

When a person is injured in an accident and it is obvious that the other party is at fault, they may be taken aback to see the insurance company actually rushing in to offer assistance. The claims adjuster may assure you that you deserve to be compensated for the damages and may even promise a reasonable settlement. All the time, the friendly adjuster keeps repeating that there is no need to hire a personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles, California. The victim is likely to feel that the insurance company is actually on his side and will cut him the best deal possible.

Alas, this is an obvious red herring if there ever was one! Insurance companies try their best to keep the victims from hiring an attorney or even seeking legal advice. The claims adjuster may try to scare you with adverse legal implications if you retain a counsel. If these tactics fail, they may even resort to warnings, threats and other forms of coercion.

Fact of the matter is that when the insurance company is aware that it is on the backfoot in an injury claim, they try to settle the matter as quickly as possible. They are well aware that when a specialized personal injury law firm in Los Angeles, California like Kahn Roven, LLP  steps into the picture, the payout will be much larger.

This is because an experienced personal injury attorney will evaluate the case and compute the full value of compensation after taking into account all economic and general damages. They are well-versed with the legalities and can take care of the legal procedures also. Their proficient negotiation skills ensure that you get full value and they will not hesitate to take the case to trial if needed.

Therefore, it is in fact in your best interests to seek legal representation.


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