Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Published December 06, 2017 by with 0 comment

Do You Want A Quick Resolution Or A Fair One?

There is many a personal injury law firm in Los Angeles, California and many of them make attractive claims of swift, or even instant, settlements. It is tempting to engage the attorney when he promises to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, sometimes in a matter of days or weeks itself.

But what if the accepted settlement is actually too low compared to the full value of your case? What if your medical treatment is still underway and the final expenses actually total up higher than expected? 

Insurance companies are known to quote a very low settlement in the first offer. This sets the stage for a series of negotiations and counteroffers until a fair amount is reached. Therefore, accepting a quick settlement essentially means that the attorney is giving up too early and for too little.

On the other hand, established and experienced personal injury attorneys – like Kahn Roven, LLP do not promise to win a speedy settlement. They are well aware that getting a fair settlement amount takes time and patience. 

You will do better to engage a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles, California who will take the time to thoroughly evaluate the circumstances of your case. They should consider all the medical reports, bills, lost wages and even the emotional suffering before determining whether the offered settlement is acceptable or not.

In case the insurance company refuses to budge, the attorney should even be willing to file a lawsuit and take the case to trial.

Therefore, be willing to wait to get the maximum compensation as proper planning and persistence will pay off in the end.


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